

Title: The Things That Aren't English
Introduction: In recent years, there has been a growing concern about the issue of English proficiency among non-native speakers. While many non-native speakers have made great progress in their studies and careers, there is still a significant portion of the world who struggle with the language. This article aims to provide an overview of the things that are not English, and how they relate to the English language.

1. "Things" that are not English
"Things" that are not English can refer to a wide range of objects and concepts that are not native to the English language. Some examples include:
- words that are not commonly used in English, such as "ketchup" or "orange"
- phrases that are not commonly used in English, such as "I'm sorry" or "thank you"
- concepts that are not directly related to the English language, such as "globalization" or " JSON "
2. How "Things" That Aren't English Came to be
The development of the English language has been influenced by a variety of factors, including cultural, historical, and technological advancements. In recent years, there has been an increasing concern about the impact of non-native speakers on the English language. This has led to efforts to promote English proficiency among non-native speakers, particularly in countries with a large non-white population.
3. How to improve English proficiency
To improve English proficiency, non-native speakers can take various measures. One effective way is to immerse themselves in the language as much as possible. This can involve listening to English music, watching English movies and TV shows, and practicing with native speakers.
Another approach is to focus on grammar and vocabulary. Non-native speakers can take courses in grammar and vocabulary, and practice using the language in real-life situations.
4. The Benefits of English proficiency
English proficiency has many benefits, including:
- improving communication skills
- gaining access to opportunities in the globalized world
- developing critical thinking and problem-solving skills
- enhancing education and career opportunities
In conclusion, "Things" that are not English are a diverse group of objects and concepts that are not native to the English language. To improve English proficiency, non-native speakers can immerse themselves in the language, focus on grammar and vocabulary, and practice using the language in real-life situations. By working on these areas, they can gain access to opportunities in the globalized world, and enhance their education and career opportunities.
